what's your theme song?

~m. did this mostly on her own

Have you ever thought that you needed a theme song? Some music that preceeds you everywhere you go?

Have you spent countless nights trying to dream it up, and wondering exactly how you were going to get people to preceed you with the radios playing it??

Just answer these 2 simple questions and our all powerful generator will determine what your theme song should be.

Who was your favorite smurf?

What is your favorite day of the week?

Your moe. theme song is:


.: current news :.     .: home :.     .: faq :.     .: the band :.     .: on tour :.     .: TSF :.     .: moe.tunes :.     .: media :.     .: sounds :.
.: photos :.     .: moe.lists :.     .: mLinks :.     .: random stuff :.     .: old news :.     .: message board :.     .: credits :.

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