1.2 How can I join it?
Send an e-mail message to <listserv@lists.netspace.org>
with no subject and a body of
subscribe MOE-L <firstname> <lastname>
where <firstname> <lastname> is your name.
*Do not* send requests to join the list to the list itself. It will not get you subscribed to
the list and will only result in every member of the list receiving your request.

1.4 What can I post to the list?
This list is dedicated to moe. and moe. is the prime topic of discussion. Fans discuss shows,
tapes and often set-up gatherings to meet other listers. While often times topics may include
other bands, and general information regarding such is appreciated, posts that are not related
may not be tolerated by some listers. Please remember that every message you send to
<moe-l@lists.netspace.org> is read by hundreds of
people. If you are new to mailing lists, please read a file on basic Netiquette, as there are
certain do's and don'ts in cyberspace. Two very good web sites dedicated to Netiquette can be
reached at:
As time permits, many band members do in fact read the list as do many members of the moe.
Organization. moe. takes a sincere interest in what is said.
Please do not send HTML encoded documents to the list. It makes it
difficult on users who receive the digest.

1.5 Are there alternative ways to read the list?
Yes, if you don't want to receive numerous messages from the MOE-L each day, you have a few
options to consider:
The Netspace server combines recent posts and puts them into one message. This message is then
sent to you. It will cut down on the amount of mail you receive. To set the moe. list to digest
mode simply send an e-mail to <listserv@lists.netspace.org>
with "SET MOE-L DIGEST" in the body of the message without the quotes.
This is an even more minimalistic version. Every so often the user will receive an index of
recent posts. The index includes the subject, the sender, and how long each message is. With the
index comes instructions on how to retrieve each message. To set the moe. list to index send
e-mail to <listserv@lists.netspace.org> with "SET
MOE-L IND" in the body of the message without the quotes.
The final way to read the moe. list is to unsubscribe totally and browse it on the web. Shortly
after each post is made to the list, a copy goes up on the web. There it can be browsed by date,
sender, or subject. This is a close equivalent to a newsgroup browser. To post to the list
simply send your message to <moe-l@lists.netspace.org>.
The URL is to check messages is at:

1.6 What if I no longer wish to receive mail from the MOE-L?
Send an e-mail message to <listserv@lists.netspace.org>
with no subject and a body of:
signoff MOE-L
You can find out all of the commands that are available from a listserv mailing list by sending
<listserv@lists.netspace.org> a message with HELP
somewhere in the body.
*Do not* send requests to signoff the list to the list itself. It will not get you unsubscribed
from the list and will only result in every member of the list receiving your request.

1.7 Can I get moe.info via e-mail with out being on the MOE-L?
You sure can! moe.info is a special, low volume, informational mailing list devoted to important
announcements, tour dates and set lists. It's a one-way list, straight from moe.central. To
subscribe, send an e-mail message to <moe.info@moe.org> with a
subject message of "subscribe" and you'll be added to the list.

1.8 Where is the archive for the MOE-L located?
If you are interested in what has been discussed in the past, MOE-L messages are archived on the
netspace server at:
Messages from the old server <moe@Shinbone.Psych.Brown.Edu>, dating
from 1-19-96 through 2-13-96 can be found at the old aol site:
ftp://users.aol.com/MoeTapes/ [This site is no longer active, If anyone is aware
of an alternative site, mail me.]

1.11 What fan-based archives are available and where are they?
~mindy reznik. and
Jon McLennand maintain moeLinks, a comprehensive
guide to the world of moe. on the internet. Check here for the latest news:

That Setlist File, maintained by Jesse Jarnow, is
also there:
as well as MOE.TUNES, maintained by ~mindy reznik.,
which houses moe. song lyrics, histories, and common abbreviations. This site also includes what
was the moe.tabs site:

Interested in trading live tapes? You can find like-minded individuals and their tapelists at
NOTE: the versanet site is down and moe.Trade is not up. If someone would like to continue
running this site, drop me a line.
I no longer have time to run this site properly.

1.13 Does moe. have an official web site?
moe. maintains its official web site at:
This site contains tour dates as well as updated news about the band. It is updated
periodically. When the site is updated, the members of the list are usually informed by the band
and organization. If they don't let you know often enough for your liking, you can register for
NetMind. NetMind
ia a service that will send you an e-mail as updates are made to web pages you register with