5.2 Who is Farmer Ben and where did he go? When did he return?
Farmer Ben is a song sung by drummer Jim Loughlin and it left the rotation when Jim left the
band to join Yolk in 1995. Farmer Ben did make special appearances when touring schedules
Upon Jim's return in January 1999, the band immediately began teasing fans with the "Powerhouse"
tease that usually ended Farmer Ben. It wasn't until 9.30.99, at Mississippi Night in St. Louis
MO, that moe. treated us to his return during the encore.

5.3 What do you mean the "old" She Sends Me?
Beginning with its appearance in the moe. rotation (it debuted as an Al solo tune), She Sends Me
had a long, drawn-out jam in the middle. It started a little slower with Rob's bass line and
grew from there. In June 1996, after the band spent some time in the studio, working on their
first major label release, the song re-emerged with the "surf-guitar" segment and no jam. The
band had been unhappy with the direction the song was taking. This version has become the
staple, but occasionally, other jams will take the place of the surf-guitar (ex: 12.31.96 -

5.5 Who are Stanley and the Headbreakers?
This is in reference to the strange dialog on the recording of Sensory Deprivation Bank
recording from Fatboy. It had been posted on the moe-l that this dialog comes from an
educational video on psychology. The footage is of a mentally ill patient answering questions.
If anyone knows the specific video, please mail me.